Tuesday, October 18, 2016

My Journey to Uganda. His Story.

 I've been reflecting on my journey to Uganda.

It's hard to not be overwhelmed with the goodness of God.

I look around and all I have, all I am is because of Him.

The journey He took me on to get here to this place was not an easy one. But I love to tell the story because it reflects God. His goodness, His love, His faithfulness, His sovereignty. I love the story because it's His story.

I look back and I see Him.


I first set foot in this beautiful country a year and a half ago. I loved everything about it. I loved the adventure, traveling with my best friend, the people, the pace of life, the culture, the chance to get to know God in a deeper way, being pushed outside of my comfort zone. I just loved life in Uganda. I left after a short 3 weeks and immediately wanted to go back. I thought, who couldn't fall in love with a place like that! But thought that maybe after some time the excitement would wear off. I would go back to "normal" life. That's not really what I wanted though.
I constantly prayed that God would make it clear where He wanted me to serve Him. Whether that be at home or overseas, Africa or somewhere else, and I waited on Him, although very impatiently at times.
I had been home for a couple months and Africa was on my mind everyday. I was wondering if maybe, God had given me this desire for a reason. If He was placing this thought in my mind, this dream in my heart. It seemed crazy. It's not something I ever imagined myself doing. Not until a year and a half ago. So I kept praying, asking God, Is this really where you want me to go? Is this really what you want me to do? Where you want me to serve You? Lord, make the desires of your heart, my heart. If my desire to return to Uganda is not from your heart, take it away.
The thought never left.
And then there was this program, One Step. Paul Hunter had first mentioned it to me when I was in Uganda. A 3 month intercultural, relational, discipleship program. I wasn't really sure about One Step, but it also kept coming to mind.
All of this. It was constantly on my mind, I was constantly talking to God. Eventually I decided to talk to my parents. It was the first of several discussions and conversations. I had only been home a few months. They had concerns. 3 months is a long time. What would I do about my job? I'd be gone during the school year. What would my students do? All valid questions. Questions I'd been thinking about for the past 3 months. Dad and Mom said they'd talk about it and pray about it. After some time, we sat down and they said no. They didn't want me to go. I had a really hard time accepting and understanding that. Why would God give me this desire, why did I feel so strongly that He wanted me to go, and why then would He tell my parents something different? I became angry, hurt, confused, and I no longer knew what I was supposed to be doing with my life. I felt lost. I spent the next 5 months struggling with these thoughts, these questions. Why do I feel God telling me one thing and my parents telling me another? Why are the two not lining up? People would ask me why I couldn't just go. I can't count how many times people told me, You're an adult. Why don't you just make your own decision? But I knew that I had to honor my parents. Unfortunately, I did it because I felt I had to, not because I wanted to.
Through all of my struggling and wrestling, trying to understand what I was supposed to be doing, I kept praying. That's all I felt I could do. I had completely closed off all communication with my parents. I never spoke to them about Africa. I barely spoke to them at all.
Over those few months, God taught me more and more what it really looked like to trust Him. To truly trust Him with everything. I felt that I had reached a dead end. I had hit a wall that I couldn't climb and I couldn't get around. More months went by, and as much as I prayed that God would take away my dream of returning to Africa, it just wouldn't go away. Again I was confused. Why couldn't I stop thinking about Uganda? Why was One Step on my mind? This dream was impossible. My parents already said no. It was final.
I remember one specific night. I had traveled to Idaho to visit my best friend, Rose. I happened to be there the same weekend Paul and Pam Hunter and their daughter Rebecca were visiting her church to promote Next Generation Ministries and the One Step program. It was the first time I had a chance to sit down and talk with Rose since we had returned from Uganda 4 months earlier. I was finally able to share with her everything that had been going on. She cried with me. Encouraged me. We then sat through church that evening and listened to Paul's presentation. It made me miss Uganda like crazy, but I also felt completely hopeless. I felt I had hit the bottom. Physically, emotionally, spiritually. I felt completely drained. I couldn't go on like this anymore.
I went back home and after weeks and weeks of praying about it, I decided I had to talk to my parents again. I was afraid to speak to them. Afraid they would be offended that I hadn't forgotten about Africa and moved on. To my surprise, they said it had also been on their minds and they had been praying about it. They said that they would talk about it again. It wasn't a yes, but I was overjoyed. There was hope. But more than that, I realized just how closed off I had become and coming to talk to my parents opened up communication with them again. I think that's what brought me so much peace. I realized just how much I needed them. Their wisdom, their counsel. God just revealed to me this deep appreciation and love for them and it brought so much comfort to my troubled, confused mind. I had distanced myself so much that it has taken a bit of time to restore relationships, but God has blessed me beyond belief with parents who love me with an unconditional love. And I can't express how much they mean to me. It was another lesson that God taught me through it all. I looked back over the past several months and I realized what He was doing. I had to learn to be satisfied in Him. I needed to learn to trust Him. He wanted to grow my relationship and teach me to love and appreciate my parents.
After a couple more months, my parents came to me. They told me that I could go. They said if this is really something I wanted to do, if I wanted to enroll in One Step, they would support me. That phrase right there. We will support you. I had prayed specifically for that. I didn't want for them to just tell me that they would be ok if I went. I wanted their support. When I heard my dad speak those words, I knew God was in this. He was opening doors. And I was overwhelmed with thankfulness. I remember going to my room, kneeling on the floor, and crying. Praising the Lord. Thanking Him. Not just for making a way for me to return to Uganda, but for loving and caring for me enough to not say yes. Not when I wanted it. He said no so I could grow. He was preparing me. He is an incredibly good Father. His love is overwhelming and so hard to comprehend.

It was February. I was more excited than I could express. I had just learned that I would actually be returning to where I left a piece of my heart. God had answered all of my prayers that I had prayed over the past 9 months. It almost seemed to good to be true.
But the very next day, everything changed. All the excitement disappeared and was instead replaced by fear and doubt. This is crazy. What am I thinking leaving for 3 months? Traveling by myself. Living in another culture. Living with a bunch of people I don't even know. Leaving my family who had become so dear to me. Leaving the comfort and safety of my familiar surroundings. I can't do this. These thoughts messed with me for months.
There were times I would feel excited. Talking to friends in Uganda and hearing them say how they couldn't wait to see me again, that made me excited. But for the most part, I was really scared. Terrified that I was making the wrong decision. I battled that fear and doubt and continued to prepare to leave in September knowing that I had wanted this for so long and God had opened all the doors for me to go. But I kept second guessing my decision. I now realize those thoughts were from the enemy.

Yes, this is where I'm supposed to be. It took all the way until stepping off the plane in Uganda for me to realize this.
This is where I am supposed to be. And here I am.
I am so thankful for a God who knows what's best for me. Who withholds the things that I think I want to give me something better.
I still don't know what my future holds after One Step. But I am content knowing He holds my life in His hands. And His plans are so much greater than I could even desire.

That is a small part of His story that continues unfolding daily. But I felt like sharing how I got here, how amazing God is in how He works, and I hope it blesses you in some way. :)

Psalm 115:1.

Monday, October 17, 2016


We have a really exciting opportunity. God has presented the One Step team with a chance to travel to Tanzania!

I think I speak for everyone on the team when I say that we're EXCITED. Very excited. :) To travel, to share the gospel and spread love of God outside of our community, to see the incredible things the Lord has in store for us.
I can't say what, but I know whatever He's going to do is going to be BIG.

We'll be leaving November 1st for a 4-day mission in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Because we only became aware of this opportunity within the last few weeks, we are working on raising the funds needed for our team of 18. We have a goal of $3,000 which will cover travel, accommodations, food, vaccinations, visas. This is an amazing opportunity to be able to minister to the people of Tanzania, and it's also an opportunity for us to trust in the Lord for His provision. It's a lot to prepare in only 2 weeks! But I'm really excited to see how the Lord provides for all our needs as we follow Him to Tanzania. :)

If you would like to help support us in this mission, please check out our fundraising page here.
Share the link or this post and let people know about what the Lord is doing here in One Step!

And we would love if you'd join us in prayer as we trust in Him and prepare for this mission. :)

Thank you all for the continued support!

Psalm 115:1.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


I can't quite believe that it's been a month. Four weeks have flown by. We are already one-third of our way through this journey.

God has been challenging us. Growing us. Empowering us. Changing lives.

I think it's safe to say that for many of us, this experience has been the start of something new. A place where healing begins. Where walls are being broken down. We are learning about where our identity lies. Learning who God has created us to be. Powerful people. Strong people. A people who are motivated by love and not by fear. We are no longer orphans. We are children of the Most High God.

That's just a quick summary in one short paragraph. :)


I love Uganda. I love this community. I love the people. I love life here.

When I think back over the past year and a half, I can't help praising God. Getting here did not feel like an easy journey. But this is where He wanted me to be at this moment and every time I get to share my story, I just glorify Him. He is so good. So faithful.

I will share more in depth later. Life is busy and flying by at unbelievable speeds.
But I will be sharing more in the weeks to come. I just wanted to post a quick update.

I'm alive. And God is working in mighty ways. :)

Psalm 115:1.

Friday, September 2, 2016


Most simply put, I am humbled.

The outpouring of love, support, encouragement, and prayers has not only blessed me beyond belief, but it has humbled me.

As I've been preparing for my journey to Uganda, I have received a new outlook on this mission that God has given me. It goes beyond me and my own little world. And it is so much more than just me traveling to another country, pursuing a calling, or chasing a dream.

It is true that God has called me to Uganda at this time in my life. It is true that He has called me to serve His people and to show them what His love looks like. To share the gospel and make disciples of the nations.

That is my mission.

But I'm not alone.

I'm part of a body. Being sent out by His people. Friends & family, the church, & even people I've never met and may never meet here on earth. But we're united under the name of Jesus.

This is so much bigger than me. This is me representing my church, my family, and most importantly my Savior. Sharing life and love, serving, all in the name of Christ.

It's motivating, encouraging, and it's humbling.


I have been blown away by the generosity of so many people. With all this support I have received, I will be able to do more to meet the needs of the Ugandans, however the Lord may lead.

If you would like to support me financially, I have a GoFundMe page here. You can also send a check (with my name in the memo line) to Spring Creek Bible Church or directly to Next Generation Ministries. If you have any questions about giving, comment or message me. I'd love to answer any questions. :)

Or if you just have any questions about my trip, I'd love to share with you about this journey and what God is doing. :)

If you would like to be part of my prayer support team, I would love to add your name to my Prayer Update list. I will be emailing updates as I can to let you all know how you can specifically be praying for me over the next three months. :)


Thank you to everyone of you who has supported me on this journey thus far. God is using you all just as He is using me. Thank you for giving of yourselves to be used by the Lord.

All glory be to God.
Psalm 115:1.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

The Next Part of the Story.

God is writing a glorious story and I'm excited to share a little glimpse 
into what He has planned for my life this fall.


Friends & Family,                                                                                    June 2016

In September, I have the opportunity to travel to Uganda where I will be taking part in One Step, a 12-week discipleship course sponsored by Next Generation Ministries.

Next Generation Ministries was founded by Paul and Pam Hunter. They spend several months out of the year in Jinja, Uganda, where they live and serve the people of East Africa. Their primary focus is discipleship, especially in the lives of young people. They are very intentional about the relationships they build, teaching and mentoring the next generation in the truths and doctrines of God's Word.

The One Step program is an intercultural discipleship course incorporating the study of God's Word, engaging with the Ugandan culture, and community living in the nation of Uganda. The students of One Step will be learning from Paul and Pam as well as African mentors, pastors, and leaders.

I will be living on the compound of Next Generation's home base in Jinja, Uganda, along with the other One Step students.

I'm looking forward to this opportunity to learn and grow in my relationship with Christ, and to see the ways God will use my life to love, serve and disciple others. I am excited to be returning to Uganda and to have this opportunity to learn more about the people, the culture, and how to reach the lost with the Gospel.

My expenses for the course (travel, food, and lodging) will total about $4,000.

Even more important than finances, I am in great need of prayer support. I am stepping completely out of my comfort zone into a new culture, a new way of life. I know I cannot do this on my own, but only by His grace and the strength He gives me.

If you would like to support me either financially or in prayer, I would be immensely blessed.

A few things I would love prayer for...

  • That I would grow more and more in the knowledge of Christ as I study His Truths
  • That God would prepare my heart for whatever He has to teach me
  • That He would make me bold
  • For Christ-centered, encouraging relationships and unity among all the students
  • Health and safety
  • Direction for my future, whether it be missions here at home or overseas

If you have any questions about my trip, I'd love to talk with you. :)

If you would like to receive updates while I am in Uganda, you can visit my blog where I will be sharing photos and stories of my experiences.

For more information about Next Generation or the One Step course you can visit their websites.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It Is Worth It All.

Evenings always seem like the most difficult time of day to quiet my mind. The thoughts in my head run circles, creating a twister of emotion that becomes overwhelming at times.

I have spent many late nights lying on the floor of my room, staring into the blackness, pouring my heart out to the One who's always listening.

I love those moments.

Where the darkness makes the mess and the clutter disappear.
When I can be alone with my God.
When I can be still and listen.
When I can talk to my Savior.
About my hopes and desires, my fears and struggles.
And there I always find peace. Rest. Comfort in Him.

This is where I found myself last night.
Overcome by an overwhelming feeling...a feeling of longing.
A longing for something more.
A longing for a bigger purpose.
A longing to make a lasting impact.
A longing to know where I'm headed.

As always it feels like all this and more, bubbling up within me and then spilling over, streaming down my face in tears.
But amid all the emotions, I do know this.
I am here to serve my God.
Wherever He has me, in whatever I'm doing.
And above all else, my deepest longing is to be completely satisfied in Him.
I may feel like something is missing right now, but I know that He isn't finished with me yet.

"For I am confident of this very thing, 
that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6

Slowly God is putting together the pieces to my story.
I'm walking a path not knowing the destination, but I'm not lost.
God is guiding me, lighting my path one portion at a time.
Little by little, in His timing, He is revealing His plan for my life.
And here I am, waiting.
Not always patiently, as I should, but waiting nonetheless.
It is hard. So hard.

There I lay in the dark, pouring out my heart to God.
He floods my mind with His Words and washes out my doubts and fears.
And He fills me with His peace. His peace which surpasses all comprehension.

"...in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving 
let your requests be made known to God. 
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, 
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

I am reminded for the millionth time, God is sovereign, He is in control, He knows exactly where I'm headed and when I'm going to arrive there, and it's better than anything I could ever dream or hope for.

I rest in Him. I trust in Him. I find comfort in Him.

And this phrase keeps running through my head.

It is worth it all.

The trusting.
The waiting.
It's not in vain.
His timing is perfect.

In all this I know, it is worth it all.