Friday, September 2, 2016


Most simply put, I am humbled.

The outpouring of love, support, encouragement, and prayers has not only blessed me beyond belief, but it has humbled me.

As I've been preparing for my journey to Uganda, I have received a new outlook on this mission that God has given me. It goes beyond me and my own little world. And it is so much more than just me traveling to another country, pursuing a calling, or chasing a dream.

It is true that God has called me to Uganda at this time in my life. It is true that He has called me to serve His people and to show them what His love looks like. To share the gospel and make disciples of the nations.

That is my mission.

But I'm not alone.

I'm part of a body. Being sent out by His people. Friends & family, the church, & even people I've never met and may never meet here on earth. But we're united under the name of Jesus.

This is so much bigger than me. This is me representing my church, my family, and most importantly my Savior. Sharing life and love, serving, all in the name of Christ.

It's motivating, encouraging, and it's humbling.


I have been blown away by the generosity of so many people. With all this support I have received, I will be able to do more to meet the needs of the Ugandans, however the Lord may lead.

If you would like to support me financially, I have a GoFundMe page here. You can also send a check (with my name in the memo line) to Spring Creek Bible Church or directly to Next Generation Ministries. If you have any questions about giving, comment or message me. I'd love to answer any questions. :)

Or if you just have any questions about my trip, I'd love to share with you about this journey and what God is doing. :)

If you would like to be part of my prayer support team, I would love to add your name to my Prayer Update list. I will be emailing updates as I can to let you all know how you can specifically be praying for me over the next three months. :)


Thank you to everyone of you who has supported me on this journey thus far. God is using you all just as He is using me. Thank you for giving of yourselves to be used by the Lord.

All glory be to God.
Psalm 115:1.